ex-priests (49)
ex-priests | ex-Roman Catholic priests
1. Auflage 1994, 2. Auflage 1994, 3.Auflage 1997, 4.Auflage 2009
A Priest, but a Stranger to God
(Testimony of a Former Roman Catholic priest no. 1)
Christ Alone is the Way
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 2)
Pilgrimage from Rome
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 3)
From Friar to Freedom in Christ
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 4)
Saved by the Free Grace of God
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 5)
Free Indeed
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 6)
A Priest Asks God for Grace
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 7)
Once a Jesuit, Now a Child of God
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 8)
An Irresistible Call
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 9)
Why I Left the Monastery
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 11)
The Gospel of Grace in Jesus Christ
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 13)
There Is Power in Christ’s Atoning Blood
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 14)
From the Monastery to the Ministry
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 15)
My ‘Damascus Road’
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 17)
“Thou Knowest That I love Thee”
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 18)
From Roman Priest to Radio Evangelist
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 20)
Jesus Saved Even Me
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 21)
I Was Blind, Now I See
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 22)
New Life for a Jesuit Priest
(Testimony of a former Roman Catholic priest no. 23)