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Learning to Read Biblical Hebrew
Hans-Jörg Eckhardt
An Introduction to the Language of the Old Testament
CHF 28.80 / € 24.00, Ringbindung A5 / 204 Seiten
Englische Ausgabe des Buchs "Bibelhebräisch lesen lernen"
You are interested in the original languages of the Bible. Perhaps you have sometimes thought of getting some knowledge of Greek, but studying Hebrew has not been an option for you so far. Try this book then! It wants to help you overcome the hurdle you are anticipating when you think of the beautiful yet very foreign looking letters of Hebrew. You will not need any prior knowledge, but you will experience how one seal after the other is broken for you when you, step for step, get acquainted with the complete Hebrew alphabet. All this is done by doing exercises that stem directly from Bible
This is an invitation to an exciting journey of discovery of the fascinating script of the Old Testament.